In conclusion, the present findings provide two important contributions to the fields of computation and neurosciences. First, although direct SOR seems illusory for some olfactory qualities if additional protagonists of the sense of smell are not taken into account, our approach suggests that descriptive rules exist for some qualities. Second, the present approach showed that several sub-rules should be taken into account when describing structure-odor relationships. From these findings, by correlating the multiple molecular properties of odors to their perceptual qualities and evoked-neural activities, experts in neuroscience and chemistry may generate new and innovative hypotheses in the field. In terms of application, this work can add to our knowledge of the complex phenomenon of smells and tastes. Indeed, by implementing such a descriptive structure/odor model within a dedicated data-analytics platform we could improve our understanding of the effects of molecular structure on the perception of those objects with highly-valued odorant properties such as foods, desserts, perfumes and flavors. This, in turn, would enable the optimization of product formulation with respect to the needs and expectations of consumers.
Steffen Arctander Perfume And Flavor Chemicals Pdf 17