The Many Faces of Go is a multiple talented Go program written by David Fotland. It's main features are a strong playing engine, a joseki and fuseki tutor, a problem Go trainer, an sgf editor and an IGS client. The complete overview of features can be found on
I did a videoreview about this software, so that you can see how many faces of go works directly. You can watch the video here: MFoG videoreview at Alejo's Tenuki I think that an image is worth more than 100 words. As you can see on the video, MFoG isn't a bad program at all, but it isn't appropiate for serious study of go, mainly because there isn't a pattern search engine (one of the main tools for proper study).
Many Faces Of Go 12 Keygen Download
Among its many functions, this hugely useful plugin enables you to create an array along a path. A series of components can be quickly placed in a predefined arrangement, perfect for balustrades like the one shown above. A full tutorial can be found here, and you can download the plugin here. 2ff7e9595c