Akbarov, Akram Akbarovich, Dodkhudoeva, Larisa Nazarovna, Karimov, Jamshed Khilolovich, Kurbanov, Tohirdjon Khakimovich, Yarabaraev, Alisher Izaatullaevich, Zairov, Rahmatillo Khamidovich. 2008. Human Development Report 2007/8: Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world. New York.
The Human Development Report 2007/8 shows that climate change is not just a future scenario. Increased exposure to droughts, floods and storms is already destroying opportunity and reinforcing inequality. Meanwhile, there is now overwhelming scientific evidence that the world is moving towards the point at which irreversible ecological catastrophe becomes unavoidable. Business-as-usual climate change points in a clear direction: unprecedented reversal in human development in our lifetime, and acute risks for our children and their grandchildren.
A Divided World
As the Human Development Report 2007/8 argues, climate change poses challenges at many levels. In a divided but ecologically interdependent world, it challenges all people to reflect upon how we manage the environment of the one thing that we share in common: planet Earth. It challenges us to reflect on social justice and human rights across countries and generations. It challenges political leaders and people in rich nations to acknowledge their historic responsibility for the problem, and to initiate deep and early cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. Above all, it challenges the entire human community to undertake prompt and strong collective action based on shared values and a shared vision.
I am president of Ventureneer, which specializes in defining and eliminating problems that hold underrepresented entrepreneurs back, especially minorities and women. Our work provides clients with branded research, training and content opportunities that generate thought-leadership, visibility, sales, and brand loyalty. I am a WE NYC and digitalundivided mentor as well as an advisory board member of Million Dollar Women, Women Startup Lab, and Aleri Research..
The newly opened lab has 20 researchers and is part of an emerging AI ecosystem in Vancouver that includes 130 AI startups, in addition to several investor groups, incubators, and several world-class computing science schools.
Communication is key for a collective and effective response to deep-rooted issues on a global scale. The current state of public debate, however, is marked by polarization, extremism, and exclusionary discourses. By way of addressing this predicament, our project focuses on argumentative engagements, particularly in terms of the adversarial and/or applause-driven features of the current debate culture. ADAB seeks to offer a theoretically grounded and practically feasible alternative that will inspire and help train cooperative arguers befitting the contemporary world. While the ADAB team envisions applying this alternative in different argumentation contexts, its focus in this pilot grant will be university debate practices as a medium for cultivating generations of virtuous arguers.
Globalization and Social Change takes a refreshing new perspective on globalization and widening social and spatial inequalities. Diane Perrons draws on ideas about the new economy, risk society, welfare regimes and political economy to explain the growing social and spatial divisions characteristic of our increasingly divided world.
In Unified, Senator Scott and Congressman Gowdy, through honesty and vulnerability, inspire others to evaluate their own stories, clean the slate, and extend a hand of friendship that can change your churches, communities, and the world.
Since 2001, the U.S. Department of State has been sending hip hop artists abroad to perform and teach as goodwill ambassadors. There are good reasons for this: hip hop is known and loved across the globe, acknowledged and appreciated as a product of American culture. Hip hop has from its beginning been a means of creating community through artistic collaboration, fostering what hip hop artists call building. A timely study of U.S. diplomacy, Build: The Power of Hip Hop Diplomacy in a Divided World reveals the power of art to bridge cultural divides, facilitate understanding, and express and heal trauma. Yet power is never single-edged, and the story of hip hop diplomacy is deeply fraught. Drawing from nearly 150 interviews with hip hop artists, diplomats, and others in more than 30 countries, Build explores the inescapable tensions and ambiguities in the relationship between art and the state, revealing the ethical complexities that lurk behind what might seem mere goodwill tours. Author Mark Katz makes the case that hip hop, at its best, can promote positive, productive international relations between people and nations. A U.S.-born art form that has become a voice of struggle and celebration worldwide, hip hop has the power to build global community when it is so desperately needed.
"With its honesty, up-close experience, and focus on the artists themselves, this informative, lively book will be of great interest to anyone who wants to know more about U.S. cultural politics or about hip hop encounters and collaborations around the world." - Journal of Popular Music Studies
I think back to the lessons my grandparents shared of surviving the first and second world wars; the fear my parents lived through during the Cold War; and myself, growing-up with the Iron Curtain very much in place dividing people. These lessons learned and experiences earned laid the foundation for a bold experiment in democracy at scale: the European Union. The aim was to prevent war, bring people and peoples together, and create shared prosperity for all with enduring peace as ultimate goal.
In a divided world, we are all invited to contribute to the work of restoring trust in our systems, in our ability to push for change that benefits everyone. I now look to this example for inspiration and as an invitation to always look for where we can best contribute to the greater good. This is how we can navigate these times towards that future of shared prosperity and peace.
This study was conducted in countries where nationally representative telephone surveys are feasible. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, face-to-face interviewing is not currently possible in many parts of the world.
As the coronavirus outbreak enters its second year disrupting life around the globe, most people believe their society is now more divided than before the pandemic, according to a new Pew Research Center survey in 17 advanced economies. While a median of 34% feel more united, about six-in-ten report that national divisions have worsened since the outbreak began. In 12 of 13 countries surveyed in both 2020 and 2021, feelings of division have increased significantly, in some cases by more than 30 percentage points.
Fieldwork for this survey coincided with several major events related to national-level restrictions and vaccine distribution throughout the world. Numerous European countries instituted new lockdowns or lifted restrictions as the survey was fielded. Canada and each of the European Union countries surveyed paused use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for at least some of their population; the EU also sued the pharmaceutical company during this time. Several countries delayed the rollout for the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine.
The coronavirus pandemic has increased social divisions across many of the publics surveyed. A median of 61% across all 17 advanced economies say they are now more divided than before the outbreak, while 34% feel more united.
Sentiments are particularly negative in the U.S.: 88% of Americans say they are more divided than before the pandemic, the highest share to hold this view across all places polled. A majority of Canadians also say their country is more divided.
In Europe, majorities in seven of the nine nations surveyed say they are more divided than before the pandemic. Pessimistic views are particularly widespread in the Netherlands, Germany and Spain, where about eight-in-ten report more division. Only in Sweden and the UK do about four-in-ten believe they are more united than before the outbreak. 2ff7e9595c